The #1 “Secret Weapon” Business Owners Use To Bullet-Proof Their Ads From Rejection, Secure Their Accounts & Business Managers From Being Disabled, And Predictably Skyrocket Their Ad’s ROI

(Without Fear Of Everything Collapsing Around Them)

Dear social media ads-running business owner…

  • Are your ads constantly getting rejected but you just don’t know why?
  • Are you asking your friends and family if you could use their Business Manager because yours keeps getting disabled?
  • Is it frustrating that Facebook support seems to not help?
  • Are you pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your competitors are running ads that are WAY more riskée than yours, but you can’t seem to get your ads off the ground?

Your Compliance & Scaling ‘Secret Weapon’, All Under One Roof!

1. Facebook Policy Deep Dive: With over 15 years of direct marketing experience and an intimate knowledge of Facebook advertising policy and guidelines, we rework the copy in your funnel to ensure it is 1000% secure and won’t get shut down.

Hi, I’m Rory…

I've personally helped a division of the largest direct response company in the world restore their advertising privileges on Facebook.

We restored a company's advertising abilities to Facebook several years after a few specific ad policies were created as a direct result of their marketing efforts on Facebook.

Here Are Just Some Of The Amazing Clients We’ve Helped 

  • This only for established business owners who are already running ads.
  • This is for those who have a history of rejected ads, ad accounts and business managers shut down, and advertising issues when trying to scale.
  • This is for business owners who are tired of the guesswork and want to do things the right way so they can finally build a sustainable and consistent business. 

This site is not a part of the FacebookTM website or FacebookTM Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by FacebookTM in any way. FACEBOOKTM is a trademark of FACEBOOKTM, Inc.

In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually implementing these tactics and strategies. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want to speak together? 100% yes. Some people will take this online training, implement it by themselves, and see great breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!

 DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in this training are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT.

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Ads Keep Getting Shut Down? We’ve got you!

We Know Exactly How You Feel - And It’s Not Your Fault!

The truth is, so many awesome business owners are not able to get their ads off the ground, let alone scale their offer, because they just can’t crack the Facebook compliance code. 

And you know what the worst part is?

It was designed that way.

Facebook loves to confuse their users so they can charge your card, make some money, then shut down the accounts without explanation without incurring any of the responsibility of the controversial ads on the platform.

It’s an ingenious and pure evil way to run a business…

Here’s how we bulletproof your funnel:

2. Preferred partner with a dedicated agency rep: Once done, we run everything by our close partner at Facebook who can double check everything, as well as help solve any difficult cases or restore already disabled accounts. 

3. Money-Printing Funnel: Turn the ads on, sit back, and watch as your compliant funnel rakes in the green without relying on boring vanilla copy that sacrifices conversions or your ROI. 

You’re probably thinking…

“Sounds great… but, why should I trust you?”

That’s why we’re on a mission to help business owners finally crack the ‘compliance code’, secure their ad accounts and business managers, and 1000% guarantee their ads won’t get rejected… so they can run profitable ads day after day til the cows come home.

Without ever again worrying about coming under the scrutiny of Zuck’s watchful eye

I've been a full time direct response marketer for 15 years and have been running ads for 9 of those years, while writing copy for one of the first up and coming ad agencies (back in the day before everyone was a Facebook ad expert and agency expert). 

I was first trained as a copywriter with the sole purpose of writing ads to beat the control. 

Within 30 days I had a 90% success rate.  

Did I mention everything had to be compliant as heck back then?  

I've been a full time direct response marketer for 15 years and have been running ads for 9 of those years, while writing copy for one of the first up and coming ad agencies (back in the day before everyone was a Facebook ad expert and agency expert). 

While most agencies cut corners and take an approach of putting band aids over the problems.  

They don't understand the underlying true policies so as a result their conversions suffer with plain vanilla copy.

We skip the flash and surgically alter the copy to ensure it is entirely compliant, won’t cause problems down the line, restore accounts, and the best part is… You don’t lift a finger!

Our expert team handles absolutely everything from start to finish - totally done for you.

Let your competitors blow their budget and get their accounts shut down repeatedly while you sit back, relax, and let your funnel do the work for you… practically on autopilot!

Sound too good to be true?

Here’s The Great News!

We’re opening up our calendar to speak to you personally about your business for FREE.

On this 45 minute ‘funnel compliance audit’, we’ll take a look at your funnel, business managers, ad accounts, and review your compliance issues. Then we’ll share some compliance best practices to ensure you can continue to run your ads smoothly.

If we feel we can help you more long-term, we can definitely discuss.

If not, that’s totally fine too… You can still keep the plan we work on and apply it yourself. It’ll be miles ahead of anything else out there, and will be the best 45 minutes you ever spend on your business.

Here’s the catch:

We’re a small agency, so we can only work with 5 businesses per month… This means we need to be a little more picky about who we can help.

If that’s you…

Here’s What To Do Next: 

Step 1. Apply below to book your FREE brand audit.    

Step 2. Fill out the short application form  so we can learn more about your business, see what you’re creating and prepare to really deliver value on our call

Step 3. We’ll hop on the phone for about 45 minutes and take a look at your existing business and review your compliance issues, show you where the hidden profit opportunities are, and reveal some potential income streams you might not be aware of. 

If that’s something you want,

Click below  to book Your FREE Compliance Audit now!


Just Imagine If…

  • Your ads get approved from the first try
  • Your ads optimize effortlessly without getting shut down
  • Your ad accounts and Business Managers are secure long-term
  • Your ads start to scale consistently and predictacly
  • You can finally relax, knowing you’re generating the income and impact you truly deserve!

This is a no-brainer for any business owner struggling with compliance or needs a step by step proven system to scale…

So don’t wait another minute… 

Click here to book Your FREE Compliance Audit now!


Speak soon,

Rory Stern

CEO & Founder

RFS Digital Media